1. Lakes Region Nutrition - 73 Main Street
603-279-4165 | lakesregionnutrition.com
2. Shield Comics - 1 High Street, Meredith NH
603-707-6067 | facebook.com
3. Lake Effect - 51 Main Street
603-937-4294 | nhlakeeffect.com
4. Little Dog Paper Co. - 31A Main Street
603-677-7003 | littledogpaperco.com
5. VynnArt Gallery - 30 Main Street, Suite A
603-279-0557 | vynnart.com
6. Bootleggers Footwear - 314 DW Highway
603-279-7463 | bootleggersfootwear.com
1. Cozy Cabin Rustics
603-279-1333 | cozycabinrustics.com
2. Lee's Candy Kitchen
603-279-5175 | leescandykitchen.com
3. Great Northern Too
603-279-8181 | greatnortherntradingcompany.com
4. Adornments & Lady of the Lake
603-279-4349 | AdornmentsNH & LadyoftheLakeNH
5. Great Northern Trading Company
603-279-8181 | greatnortherntradingcompany.com
6. Oglethorpe Fine Arts & Crafts
603-279-9909 | oglethorpefineartscrafts
7. Artisans By The Bay
603-279-4411 | artisansbythebay.com
8. Nahamsha Gifts
603-937-1922 | nahamshagifts.com
9. Innisfree Bookshop
603-279-3905 | Innisfreebookshop
10. Consignors Ave.
603-279-0499 | ConsignorsAvenue.com
11. League of NH Craftsmen
603-279-7920 | meredith.nhcrafts.org
1. Hermit Woods Winery - 72 Main Street
603-253-7968 | hermitwoods.com
2. Sunshine and Pa's - 11 Main Street
603-279-5280 | Sunshine and Pa's Restaurant
3. Phu Jee Asian Cuisine - 55 Main Street
4. The Lakeview Tavern - 7 Main Street
603-677-7099 | TheLakeviewTavern
5. 48 Main Café & Creperie - 48 Main Street
603-279-8500 | Coffeeandcrepesohmy
1. Camp Bar & Restaurant
603-279-3003 | thecman.com
2. Waterfall Cafe
603-677-8631 | millfalls.com/dine
3. Giuseppe's Pizzeria and Ristorante
603-279-3313 | giuseppesnh.com
4. Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream
603-279-2200 | benjerry.com/
5. Lago Cucina - 1 NH Route 25
603-279-2253 | thecman.com
6. Lakehouse Grille - 218 DW Highway
603-279-5221 | thecman.com
1. Park Place Salon - 63 Main Street
603-279-4081 | parkplacesalon1
2. Meredith Whole Living Center - 48 Main Street
603-279-0007 | meredithwholeliving.com
3. Voila! For Hair and More
603-279-7011 | VoilaForHairandMore
4. EKAL Activity Center - 285 DW Highway
603-677-8646 | ekalactivitycenter.com
5. Cascade Spa & Salon - 281 DW Highway
603-677-8620 | millfalls.com/spa
6. Peabody & Smith Realty - 3 Mill Street
603-279-6476 | peabodysmith.com
7. Lakeview Chiropratic - 290 DW Highway
603-630-3594 | lakeviewchiropracticandwellness.com
1. Meredith Public Library - 91 Main Street
603-279-4303 | meredithlibrary.org
2. Post Office - 76 Main Street
3. Historical Society - 43 Main Street
603-279-1190 | mhsweb.org
4. Town Hall - 41 Main Street
603-279-4538 | meredithnh.org
5. Fire Department - 286 Daniel Webster Highway
603-279-6061 | meredithfire.org
6. Meredith Area Chamber of Commerce - 272 DW Hwy
603-279-6121 | meredithareachamber.com
For shopping services, dining, and lodging located "beyond the map" pick up one of our Do The Loop brochures at one of the participating business or at the signs by the town docks
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